Slide Whistlinator
A Motorized Automatic Slide Whistle · 2023
The Slide Whistlinator is a 3D printed, embedded DSP, motorized slide whistle for the most serious of slide whistlers. Created in CCRMA's Music 250A: Physical Interaction Design for Music, the Slide Whistinator combines the whimsical, continuous charm of a traditional slide whistle with a discrete, binary encoded button system to automate the playing of complex melodies. Built with a Teensy 4.0 microcontroller, Alps Motorized Fader, and an MPX5010 air pressure sensor, the Teensy processes sensor input and generates audio using flute waveguide physical modelling synthesis with Faust.
3D Model
The Slide Whistinator is designed in Fusion 360 and the model and .stl files can be found here.
The Teensy Arduino C++ and Faust DSP code is available on GitHub here
Build Photos